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The Monsoon’s Hidden Treasures

The summer heat has tired out most  people and the fresh showers are a welcome respite. The parched lands now breathe new life  and the waterfalls  gush with vigour. Contrary to what people think, the monsoons offer a refreshing new view of Goa.You can drive around under a fresh shower and explore some lesser known locations. The season offers  wonderful opportunities to get closer to nature. While it is advisable to skip the heavy monsoon showers of July and August, September is an ideal time to drive around.
Waterfalls that had gone dry in summer now pour silken cascades from hilltops. The inner pathways are verdant and an invigorating walk along the forest reveals nature’s secrets scurrying around,  unusual avians  flying past  and unseen creatures in the bushes.Treks are common and a number of activities abound in the season. GTDC unlocks a number of destinations that had hitherto remained unknown.