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Tips to Enjoy a Sustainable Holiday in Goa

Goa has been blessed with the beauty of picturesque landscapes and the grandeur of a rich history that can be still seen today. As a traveller you can do your part to maintain this legacy for the future generations. Sustainable travel is now gaining importance across destinations and we support travellers who not only contribute to the local economy, but help in maintaining its beautiful environs.

Be Prepared

As you pack your bags to set off on your Goa adventure, don’t miss out the water bottle, an extra set of forks and spoons, a plate just in case you land up in place that serves plastic. You can carry your own shopping bags as well to avoid accumulating plastic bags.

Minimise waste & Reduce Plastic

When you’re travelling to any destination, it’s common to buy packed foods and drinks on the go. Avoid throwing out the garbage on the roads. Try to opt for eco-friendly packaging options, instead of plastic.

Take Public Transport

If you’re looking at budget friendly ways of local transport, try the public transport. There are State KTC buses that connect you to all the major destinations. You can even carpool if travelling in a group or you know other travelers who are visiting the same sights.

Buy Local

Help the local community by purchasing local products. You can find an array at the markets or even the state run Goa Handicraft stores that sell a variety of items. Building the local economy will go a long way to boost the communities and promote tourism.

Don’t Litter

You can help maintain a clean, green environment by disposing your waste the right way. Avoid littering in public spaces. If you’re on the way to a destination, avoid throwing it onto the road. If you’re in a car or bus, carry the thrash in a bag with you until you reach your destination. Use the closest public bins to dispose it there so that the waste doesn’t get collected alongside the roads.